Academic institutions grant commercial license for CRISPR-based SHERLOCK diagnostic technology in developed world
Rights are protected for broad use in developing world and for public health needs.
Rights are protected for broad use in developing world and for public health needs.
Studies could speed the development of new treatments for liver disease.
Device was one of eight inventions pitched at this year’s MIT Sloan Healthcare Innovations Prize competition.
When senior Julia Ginder isn’t investigating the mystery of her own allergies, she’s volunteering to help young people reach their goals.
Hackathons promote doctor-data scientist collaboration and expanded access to electronic medical-records to improve patient care.
New optogenetic technique could help restore limb movement, treat muscle tremor.
Four seniors in the Principles and Practices of Assistive Technology program designed an audible device to help an MIT employee navigate on the water.
“A diet or treatment of the microbiome may lead to increased diversity, but that does not mean it's better or healthier for you,” says the engineering professor.
Results could also indicate whether antibiotics have successfully treated the infection.
Startup PlateJoy sends users personalized meal plans to help them achieve health goals.
Smartphone app developed by Emily Lindemer PhD '17 uses social contacts and location information to give gentle reminders for staying engaged with recovery.
Global Microbiome Conservancy research reveals surprising new insights into human gut microbiomes.
Neural network that securely finds potential drugs could encourage large-scale pooling of sensitive data.
System that automatically identifies people moving around indoors could enable self-adjusting homes.
Deep-learning model has been used successfully on patients, may lead to more consistent screening procedures.