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Global Warming

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Displaying 121 - 135 of 157 news clips related to this topic.

Boston Globe

A new study by Prof. Daniel Rothman provides evidence that by 2100 the world’s oceans may hold enough carbon to trigger a sixth mass extinction, reports Alyssa Meyers for The Boston Globe. Rothman found that if, “310 gigatons of carbon dioxide are added to the oceans, it could be a crucial tipping point for the carbon cycle.”

Associated Press

AP reporter Katy Daigle writes that climate change could drive heat and humidity to extremes in regions of South Asia. Daigle explains that, “with no limit on global warming, about 30 percent of the region could see dangerous wet bulb temperatures above 31 degrees C (88 degrees F) on a regular basis within just a few decades.”

CBC News

A new study by MIT researchers finds that climate change could cause deadly heat waves in South Asia by the end of the century, reports Nicole Riva for CBC News. The research demonstrates what could happen if “we keep going in this trajectory of no action related to climate change or minimal action,” says Prof. Elfatih Eltahir.

The Washington Post

Washington Post reporter Chelsea Harvey writes that MIT researchers have found that millions of people in South Asia could experience deadly heat waves by the end of the century. Without reductions in greenhouse gas emissions, “certain areas of South Asia are projected to occasionally experience extreme conditions exceeding the lethal threshold, including parts of northeastern India and Bangladesh.”


Justin Worland reports for TIME on a new study by MIT researchers that shows by the end of the century millions of people living in South Asia could experience temperature and humidity conditions that exceed habitable levels. “The disastrous scenario could be avoided if countries meet their commitments to keep temperatures from rising more than 2°C (3.6°F) by 2100.”


MIT researchers have found that by 2100, climate change could cause deadly heat waves in parts of South Asia, reports Chris Arsenault for Reuters. “Climate change is not an abstract concept, it is impacting huge numbers of vulnerable people,” explains Prof. Elfatih Eltahir. “Business as usual runs the risk of having extremely lethal heat waves.”


Writing for The Guardian, Damian Carrington highlights a new study by Prof. Elfatih Eltahir that shows that without reductions in carbon emissions, millions of people living in South Asia could face extreme heatwaves. “The problem is very alarming but the intensity of the heatwaves can be reduced considerably if global society takes action,” says Eltahir.

BBC News

BBC News reporter Matt McGrath writes that MIT researchers have found climate change could cause deadly heat waves in South Asia by the end of the century. "This is something that is going to impact your most vulnerable population in ways that are potentially pretty lethal,” explains Prof. Elfatih Eltahir. “But it is avoidable, it is preventable."


A new study co-authored by MIT researchers finds that underground magma triggered the world’s largest mass extinction, reports Howard Lee for The Guardian. Based off their findings, the researchers believe that, “greenhouse gas emissions triggered by magma intrusions...caused the extinction through abrupt global warming and ocean acidification.”


Wired reporter Sian Bradley writes that a study co-authored by MIT researchers shows that the world’s largest mass-extinction was triggered by a massive underground magma pulse. The magma pulse “released dangerous levels of carbon dioxide, methane and sulphur dioxide into the environment and triggered the end of the Permian period.”

Boston Globe

MIT researchers have found that by 2050 climate change could deplete water basins and reduce crop yields, reports The Boston Globe’s Alyssa Meyers. If no action is taken to combat climate change, “numerous basins used to irrigate crops across the country will either start to experience shortages or see existing shortages ‘severely accentuated.’”

The Wall Street Journal

In a letter to The Wall Street Journal, Prof. Ron Prinn and John Reilly, co-directors of the Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change, explain why their research shows the importance of the Paris climate agreement. “Paris provides an unprecedented framework for global cooperation on this serious threat. In our view, U.S. withdrawal from it is a grave mistake.”


John Reilly of MIT’s Joint Program on the Science and Policy of Global Change speaks with Barbara Howard of WGBH’s All Things Considered about how his group’s research on the Paris climate agreement was distorted. Reilly explains that he and his colleagues hoped their research would, “solidify the idea that the Paris Agreement was moving us forward.”


In an article for Salon about extreme weather, Paul Rosenberg highlights a new study by MIT researchers that shows climate change could cause California to “experience three more extreme precipitation events per year by 2100, although the number could be reduced by half that if aggressive policy measures are pursued.”


Writing for Forbes, Eric Mack highlights a study by MIT researchers that shows extreme precipitation events in California should become more frequent due to climate change. The researchers found that by 2100, California “should expect between one and three more extreme precipitation events…every single year.”