How should autonomous vehicles be programmed?
Massive global survey reveals ethics preferences and regional differences.
Massive global survey reveals ethics preferences and regional differences.
Gift of $350 million establishes the MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing, an unprecedented, $1 billion commitment to world-changing breakthroughs and their ethical application.
Professor emeritus and former U.S. energy secretary reflects on recent meeting with Pope Francis and energy and finance leaders.
The open innovation program convenes Solve at MIT, three days of workshops, lectures, and discussions to advance global solutions.
In a “mathy” philosophy class, students explore the risks, outcomes, and ethical implications of living in a warming world.
MIT Media Lab summer event explores responsible dissent, embodied in its new Disobedience Award.
MIT professor and NAS report committee co-chair Richard Hynes gives insight into the report’s recommendations.
MIT professor of philosophy Kieran Setiya explores how individuals and societies can think about and act on climate change.
Fund establishes a global initiative to advance artificial intelligence research for the public good.
Why is it so hard for human beings to address climate change? What can motivate effective action?
MIT’s vice president for research discusses the challenges ahead for MIT and the world.
One-on-one conversation in WIRED focuses on advancements in artificial intelligence and how society should respond to related concerns.