While you’re up, print me a solar cell
New MIT-developed materials make it possible to produce photovoltaic cells on paper or fabric, nearly as simply as printing a document.
Solar power goes viral
MIT researchers use genetically modified virus to produce structures that improve solar-cell efficiency by nearly one-third.
Graphene electrodes for organic solar cells
Researchers identify technique that could make a new kind of solar photovoltaic panel practical.
Doğutan, Nocera win award for microwave research
Postdoc, advisor recognized for significant contributions to renewable energy research
Putting carbon dioxide to good use
MIT biological engineers have found a way to convert carbon-dioxide emissions to useful building materials, using genetically altered yeast.
Solar cell, heal thyself
New self-assembling photovoltaic technology can keep repairing itself to avoid any loss in performance.
New solar research center inaugurated
Eni-MIT Solar Frontiers Center, funded by Italian oil company, will support research by 21 MIT faculty members
Viruses harnessed to split water
MIT team’s biologically based system taps the power of sunlight directly, with the aim of turning water into hydrogen fuel.