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Developing countries

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Boston Globe

The Boston Globe profiles Dr. Sangeeta Bhatia and the new low-cost urine test she developed to detect cancer, as well as her work applying engineering techniques to medicine.


MIT researchers are developing a new more economic and efficient method to filter bacteria from water, reports Yao-Hua Law for Reuters. The new technique could help provide clean water to people in developing countries.  


Researchers at MIT have developed a new method to diagnosis cancer, writes Liat Clark in Wired. The new technique, which identifies proteins in urine associated with cancer, works like a pregnancy test and could be used to improve cancer care in developing nations, Clark reports. 


WBUR reporter Carey Goldberg highlights a new technique developed by MIT researchers, “just out in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences that describes success in diagnosing cancer with a simple, paper-based test — an advance that could be particularly important for the developing countries where 70 percent of cancer deaths now occur.”