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Kelly Servick writes for Science about Prof. Rosalind Picard’s work developing wearable technology that monitors and manages a user’s stress levels. “It’s one thing to study all this,” says Picard. “It’s another to build it into a form that people can start changing their lives around.”

Boston Globe

Karen Weintraub writes for The Boston Globe about Prof. Susumu Tonegawa’s research examining how triggering happy memories could help alleviate depression. “When that kind of technology is invented,” Tonegawa explains, “it could potentially become very powerful therapy.”


MIT researchers were able to reverse depression-like behavior by reactivating happy memories, writes Carolyn Gregorie for The Huffington Post. Graduate student and lead author Steve Ramirez “hopes that scientists will one day find a way to prevent depressive symptoms from occurring in the first place.”

BBC News

Professor Susumu Tonegawa’s research group has found that artificially stimulating positive memories can ease depression, reports Jonathan Webb for BBC News. Webb explains that the research “demonstrates the power of rekindling happy memories.”


Kevin McSpadden of Time reports on Panoply, a social networking platform developed by researchers from MIT and Northwestern that is aimed at helping users deal with anxiety and depression. Panoply teaches “users a therapeutic tool called cognitive reappraisal, which tries to get people to look at a problematic situation from different perspectives.”


Nidhi Subbaraman of BetaBoston writes about a new online networking tool developed by MIT researchers that has been found to be effective in helping people cope with anxiety and depression. Researchers found that those who used the tool were “writing about their issues much more."


Researchers from MIT and Northwestern have developed an online networking tool aimed at aiding people with anxiety and depression, reports Katie Collins for Wired. The tool, “allows people to build online support communities and practice therapeutic techniques among one another.” 


Carey Goldberg of WBUR speaks with Professor Emery Brown about an implantable chip that could help those with PTSD or depression. “We’re moving out of the box,” says Brown. “We’re not just saying, ‘Let’s rely on the drugs’ anymore.”