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Contests and academic competitions

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Displaying 46 - 49 of 49 news clips related to this topic.

Financial Times

Financial Times reporter Kiran Stacey writes about how in an effort to combat global cyberattacks, students from MIT and the University of Cambridge will face off in a cybersecurity competition this fall. The event will be “a test of cyber skills lasting several days,” Stacey reports. 


Nidhi Subbaraman of BetaBoston writes about the annual MADMEC competition hosted by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering: “[T]eams presented their projects Friday afternoon, and judges from MIT, MIT-spinoff Ambri, and materials giants Saint-Gobain and Dow Chemical, picked the winning trio.”


“Instead of trying to balance output at the panel level, the students looked to balance at the individual cell level,” writes Sami Grover of The Huffington Post about a team of MIT students who developed an integrated chip to solve the problem caused by shade on solar panels. “The result was both better performance and considerably lower cost.”

Scientific American

Writing for Scientific American, Melissa Lott reports on how a team from MIT has developed an integrated circuit design that doubles the capacity of existing solar arrays.