Rebuilding Ukraine
A collaboration between MIT professors of urban studies and planning and the Association of Ukrainian Cities aims to empower Ukraine’s municipal leaders to drive recovery after the war.
A collaboration between MIT professors of urban studies and planning and the Association of Ukrainian Cities aims to empower Ukraine’s municipal leaders to drive recovery after the war.
Builders pour concrete into temporary molds called formwork. MIT researchers invented a way to make these structures out of on-site soil.
A better understanding of construction industry stakeholders’ motivations can lead to greater adoption of circular practices.
The associate professor of civil and environmental engineering studies ancient materials while working to solve modern problems.
Sublime Systems, founded by Professor Yet-Ming Chiang and former postdoc Leah Ellis, has developed a sustainable way to make one of the world’s most common materials.
The grants fund studies of clean hydrogen production, fetal health-sensing fabric, basalt architecture, and shark-based ocean monitoring.
In order to recycle construction materials, keep them close to home, a new study of Amsterdam suggests.
C-Crete, founded by Rouzbeh Savary PhD ’11, has created a cement alternative that could significantly reduce the industry’s carbon dioxide emissions.
Grants fund studies of honeybee tracking, glass building materials, and defining excellence in human movement.
The PhD student is honing algorithms for designing large structures with less material — helping to shrink the construction industry’s huge carbon footprint.
MIT CSHub postdoc Damian Stefaniuk unpacks new research to bolster concrete’s natural carbon sequestration potential by adding sodium bicarbonate in mixes.
Made of cement, carbon black, and water, the device could provide cheap and scalable energy storage for renewable energy sources.
MIT CSHub Deputy Director Hessam AzariJafari is conducting vital research to investigate the impacts of concrete's carbonation across its life cycle.
MIT engineers discover new carbonation pathways for creating more environmentally friendly concrete.
A process that seeks feedback from human specialists proves more effective at optimization than automated systems working alone.