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Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Jennifer Smith writes about HackMIT, a "code-writing marathon" held at the Institute over the weekend. HackMIT is, “exciting, because it’s one of the biggest hackathons and has a great atmosphere,” says participant Leila Chan Currie. 


Nidhi Subbaraman of BetaBoston writes about the ‘Descience’ fashion show held at the MIT Media Lab. The science-themed fashion show brought together researchers and designers to create garments that reflected each group’s line of study.

Boston Globe

In a piece for The Boston Globe, Jennifer Smith writes about the Math Prize for Girls competition held at MIT over the weekend. “Now in its sixth year, the Math Prize for Girls competition is aimed at deflating gender stereotypes that organizers say dissuade young women from entering technology-based fields,” writes Smith. 


Heather Kelly of CNN writes about the breast pump hackathon hosted at MIT recently. The winning design, the Mighty Mom utility belt, turned a “pump into a hands-free portable device that is worn discreetly under clothes and can work while the wearer goes about her regular routine,” writes Kelly. 

Boston Magazine

Nathan Matias, Ph.D. student at the MIT Center for Civic Media, will lead a discussion at the Mozilla Festival in London on creating better online social interactions, writes Steve Annear for Boston Magazine. “Hopefully we will be able to create a guide to partying on the Internet,” says Matias.

The Atlantic

A hackathon held over the weekend at the MIT Media Lab sought to develop a better design for the breast pump, writes Rachel Ehrenberg for The Atlantic. “[M] ost women will tell you that the experience of using the breast pump sucks, literally and figuratively,” says Media Lab researcher Catherine D'Ignazio.

The New Yorker

In a piece for The New Yorker, Michelle Nijhuis writes about the Make the Breast Pump Not Suck! hackathon, held at the MIT Media Lab. The winning team came up with an idea for a, “portable, hands-free pump that could be used while commuting or caring for small children,” writes Nijhuis. 

New Scientist

Aviva Rutkin of New Scientist writes about the breast pump hackathon held at the MIT Media Lab. "These days, we have smart everything," says Catherine D’Ignazio, a research affiliate at MIT who co-organized the event. "Why isn't the breast pump a little bit smarter too?"  


Carey Goldberg of WBUR writes about the winning designs from the MIT Media Lab’s breast-pump hackathon held over the weekend. The “Mighty Mom” utility belt “a fashionable, discreet, hands-free wearable pump that automatically logs and analyzes your personal data” took the first prize. 


Marc Abrahams writes for BetaBoston about ‘The Breast Pump Hackathon,' which is scheduled to take place Sept. 20-21 at the MIT Media Lab. The event will bring together a wide variety of people to collaborate on designing a better breast pump.

The Wall Street Journal

Irving Wladawsky-Berger writes for The Wall Street Journal about this year’s MIT Sloan CIO Symposium. This year’s symposium focused on the importance of cloud, data science, social and mobile technology that are transforming the economy and driving companies to digitize all aspects of their business, writes Wladawsky-Berger.

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Hiawatha Bray reports on the 50th anniversary of MIT’s Project MAC. “When this started in 1963, the dream was to let multiple people use computers simultaneously,” Daniela Rus explains. “Fifty years later we’re now in a world where we find computing indispensable.”