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Displaying 121 - 125 of 125 news clips related to this topic.

The Wall Street Journal

MIT researchers are using Kumbh Mela — India’s largest religious festival — to help policymakers and planners develop smarter cities, writes Krishna Pokharel for The Wall Street Journal. “It’s about helping the smart citizens make their cities smart,” says John Werner of the MIT Camera Culture group.


CNN reporter Meera Senthilingam writes about LIVE Singapore, a project from the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) that aims to use big data to improve urban living. "We can analyze the pulse of the city, moment to moment," says Professor Carlo Ratti director of MIT’s Senseable City Lab.


Hashim Sarkis, dean of the MIT School of Architecture and Planning, speaks on Boston Public Radio about Boston architecture and the future of urban planning. “Architects have proven time and time again the power of architecture in helping us imagine the future,” says Sarkis. 

The Economist

The Economist reports on two projects started at MIT aimed at improving sustainable agriculture in cities. The CityFARM initiative aims to convert tall buildings into indoor farms; MIT alumni Jamie Byron and Gabe Blanchet are working on technology to produce food in home kitchens.

Associated Press

Jason Keyser of the Associated Press previews a speech by Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, delivered at a forum hosted by MIT's Center for Advanced Urbanism, an interdisciplinary think tank that focuses on big-scale urban design problems.