Engineering earth-abundant catalysts that mimic platinum in renewable energy technologies
MIT team develops a process to create inexpensive catalysts that can replace platinum catalysts in renewable energy technologies.
MIT team develops a process to create inexpensive catalysts that can replace platinum catalysts in renewable energy technologies.
RNA carried by new nanoparticles can silence genes in many organs, could be deployed to treat cancer.
Nanoparticles that stagger delivery of two drugs knock out aggressive tumors in mice.
Justin Bullock nears the finish of four years of research and running at MIT, turning next to medical school.
Professor of chemical engineering recognized for his work in understanding brain function and dysfunction
Brings 27 years’ faculty experience and strong ties with industry.
Chemists devise a new way to manufacture peptide drugs, which hold promise for treating many diseases.
Nanotechnology could turn shrubbery into supercharged energy producers or sensors for explosives.
Fluid dynamics researcher profoundly influenced his field
New MIT nanoparticles offer best-ever gene silencing, could help treat liver diseases.