Portable, super-high-resolution 3-D imaging
A simple new imaging system could help manufacturers inspect their products, forensics experts identify weapons and doctors identify cancers.
A simple new imaging system could help manufacturers inspect their products, forensics experts identify weapons and doctors identify cancers.
Study finds that for people with dyslexia, it’s much harder to identify who is speaking.
New findings may explain why children with autism tend to fixate on details instead of seeing the big picture.
Brain-tumor researcher named among 18 fellows
Cognitive scientists find that when teaching young children, there is a trade-off between direct instruction and independent exploration.
New study shows that infants are surprisingly adept at figuring out whether they made a mistake or if something is wrong in the world.
MIT neuroscientists redefine the limits of visual working memory.
New study shows that babies can perform sophisticated analyses of how the physical world should behave.
Hint: We tend to remember pictures of people much better than wide open spaces.
New algorithm offers ability to influence systems such as living cells or social networks.
Final installment of MIT’s 150th anniversary symposia explores intelligence — both human and artificial.
MIT and Harvard neuroscientists explain why the practice helps tune out distractions and relieve pain.
Dynamic cognitive scientist made key contributions to neurophysiology and vision science.
Study of blind children in India helps answer a 300-year-old philosophical question.