Why are Japanese cartoons a global hit?
MIT scholar’s new book heralds ‘creative collaboration’ with the masses as the key to anime’s worldwide popularity.
Preserving culture
MIT historian Lerna Ekmekcioglu explores how women preserve Armenian cultural identity.
Hard times in Chicago
MIT anthropologist’s new book recounts the painful aftermath when steel plants suddenly closed in the American heartland.
The right’s resistance to regulation
Book details how conservatives have changed the terms of the environmental debate in recent decades.
AIAA honors David Mindell for ‘Digital Apollo’
MIT professor’s book earns Gardner-Lasser Aerospace History Literature Award.
Life in BASIC
Nick Montfort and colleagues examine cultural significance of computer code in new book.
Historian/physicist David Kaiser wins Physics World’s 'Book of the Year Award'
Kaiser is the head of MIT's Program in Science, Technology, and Society, and a senior lecturer in the Department of Physics.
What can logistics do for you?
In a new book, an MIT professor argues that investment in global transportation hubs can spur a ‘feedback loop’ of regional growth.
Three awards for MIT research in anthropology, economics and political science
Mikusheva receives Elaine Bennett Research Prize; Petersen wins Distinguished Book Award; Helmreich wins Rachel Carson Prize.
How civil wars evolve
MIT political scientist’s book shows how even the bloodiest conflicts feature pragmatic alliances — not just ancient sectarian divisions.
How to communicate science visually
In a new book, MIT’s Felice Frankel aims to help scientists and engineers improve the way they portray their research through photos, diagrams and graphs.