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Awards, honors and fellowships

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Boston Globe

MIT alumna Margaret Guo was named the 2016 NCAA Woman of the Year during a ceremony in Indianapolis, reports Emily McCarthy for The Boston Globe. Guo says the award “reflects the amount of support I’ve had and the people around me who have pushed me to become better than I could have been by myself.”


NPR’s Steve Inskeep notes that in a 2010 episode of “The Simpsons” Milhouse van Houten predicts that Prof. Bengt Holmström will win a Nobel Prize in economics. Inskeep jokes that Milhouse was a visionary, who “knew way before the rest of the world that MIT's Bengt Holmström had genius in him.”

National Public Radio (NPR)

Nobel laureate Prof. Bengt Holmström speaks with NPR’s Steve Inskeep about the importance of incentives. Holmström recounts becoming interested in incentives while working at a multinational conglomerate after realizing computers could not “replace a lot of what the human mind is thinking,” adding that incentives are how “you influence people’s behavior.”

Boston Globe

In an article for The Boston Globe, Steve Annear notes that during an episode of “The Simpsons” Milhouse Van Houten predicts that MIT Prof. Bengt Holmström will win a Nobel prize in economics. Annear writes that “Milhouse’s prediction was spot on — but a few years too early. On Monday, Holmström finally earned his due.”

The Wall Street Journal

Charles Duxbury and Mike Bird write for The Wall Street Journal that Prof. Bengt Holmström is one of the recipients of the 2016 Nobel Prize in economics. Holmström was honored, in part, for developing a model that examines “how pay should be linked to performance and how an optimal contract carefully weighs risks against incentives.”

Financial Times

Prof. Bengt Holmström received the Nobel Prize in economics for his research on contract theory, writes Chris Giles for the Financial Times. Holmström, who said he was “dazed … very surprised and very happy” about winning the award, found “an optimal contract should link payments to outcomes that reveal the performance of either party to a contract.”


Lisa Mullins of WBUR’s All Things Considered speaks with Prof. Bengt Holmström about winning the Nobel Prize in economics for his work examining how contracts motivate and affect people’s behavior. Holmström explains, “incentives are not just about paying people, it is also about job design.”

Boston Globe

Prof. Bengt Holmström and Harvard Prof. Oliver Hart were awarded the Noel Prize in economics for their work on how to design better contracts, Deirdre Fernandes and Hiawatha Bray report for The Boston Globe. “Bengt and Oliver’s research has not only helped us to better understand incentives and institutions, it has helped us design better ones,” explains Prof. James Poterba. 

The Washington Post

Jeff Guo writes for The Washington Post about Prof. Bengt Holmström, one of the recipients of this year’s Nobel Prize in economics. “It’s just such a richly deserved prize,” said Glenn Ellison, head of MIT’s economics department. “Bengt’s work is outstanding both for answering really important questions, and for how beautifully crafted it is mathematically.”

Associated Press

Associated Press reporter Karl Ritter writes that Prof. Bengt Holmström has been honored with the Nobel Prize in economics. ‘‘I certainly did not expect it, at least at this time, so I was very surprised and very happy, of course,’’ Holmström said.


Prof. Bengt Holmström won the Nobel Economics Prize for his work on contract theory, Daniel Dickson and Ross Kerber report for Reuters. "This theory has really been incredibly important, not just for economics, but also for other social sciences," said Prof. Per Stromberg, a member of the prize committee.

Boston Magazine

Prof. Emeritus Rodney Brooks and Prof. Michael Stonebraker are featured in Boston Magazine’s list of the 30 most influential people in the local technology scene. Brooks was honored for his work in the field of robotics, and Stonebraker for his work developing new ways for data to be stored and analyzed.

The Wall Street Journal

Prof. Ramesh Raskar has been awarded the Lemelson-MIT prize for his “trailblazing work which includes the co-invention of an ultra-fast imaging camera that can see around corners, low-cost eye-care solutions and a camera that enables users to read the first few pages of a book without opening the cover,” writes Krishna Pokharel for The Wall Street Journal

Daily Press

Tamara Dietrich writes for the Daily Press that postdoctoral fellow Or Hen has been awarded the Jefferson Science Associates Thesis Prize, which is “awarded every year for the best Ph.D. student thesis on research conducted at Jefferson Laboratory in Newport News.”

Boston Globe

In an article for The Boston Globe, Sacha Pfeiffer writes that undergraduate Farita Tasnim has been named to Her Campus’ list of 22 Under 22 Most Inspiring College Women. Pfeiffer writes that Tasnim has been “dubbed a ‘STEM goddess’ for captaining her high school robotics team and creating her own electronics lab, among other accomplishments.”