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Boston Herald

Boston Herald reporter Jordan Graham writes that MIT researchers have estimated that excess pollution from VW vehicles sold in Germany could lead to 1,200 premature deaths in Europe. Graham writes that the researchers found that the pollution “will likely lead to an increase in respiratory disease.”


MIT researchers have found that excess emissions from Volkswagen vehicles could cause 1,200 premature deaths in Europe, reports Alexander Kaufman for The Huffington Post. “The scientists determined their findings by applying widely accepted epidemiological techniques, gleaned from decades-long studies tracking the effects of exposure to pollution on large populations over time." 


TIME reporter Charlotte Alter writes that a new study by MIT researchers shows that excess air pollution from Volkswagen vehicles could shorten the lives of thousands of people in Europe. The researchers estimated that “1,200 lives would be shortened because of the increased air pollution.” 

BBC News

BBC reporter Lorelei Mihala highlights DriveWell, an app developed by Profs. Hari Balakrishnan and Sam Madden, aimed at addressing the problem of distracted driving. “We wanted to show that smartphones could be used to make drivers better,” says Balakrishnan.

New York Times

Prof. Iyad Rahwan speaks with the AP about the moral dilemmas posed by driverless cars. "There is a real risk that if we don't understand those psychological barriers and address them through regulation and public outreach, we may undermine the entire enterprise," Rahwan explains. “It would stifle what I think will be a very good thing for humanity."


A study by researchers from MIT’s AgeLab found many salespeople at Boston-area car dealerships were unable to thoroughly explain common automated driver assistance features, reports Aarian Marshall for Wired. “One of the myths about automation is that as the level of automation increases, less human expertise is needed,” explains research engineer Bryan Reimer.

The Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal reporter Tim Higgins writes that nuTonomy, an MIT startup, will begin testing driverless cars in Boston by the end of the year.  The tests in Boston will help the company “sharpen its software’s ability to recognize signage and road markings and gain experience with the complexities of urban driving,” Higgins explains. 


MIT researchers have developed an app that compares automobile emissions and emissions reduction targets to allow consumers to find the most affordable and climate-friendly vehicles, reports Dana Nuccitelli for The Guardian. The app “allows consumers to check how their own vehicles – or cars they’re considering purchasing – stack up on the carbon emissions and cost curves.”


A study by MIT researchers finds that low-emissions vehicles are more cost effective when operating and maintenance costs are included in the price, writes Rae Ellen Bichell for NPR. The study also found that many battery electric and hybrid cars “already meet the global emissions goals the U.S. recently agreed to meet by the year 2030,” explains Bichell.

New York Times

MIT researchers have found that low-emissions vehicles are among the least expensive to drive. Based off their findings, the researchers developed an app that helps consumers evaluate a car’s carbon impact, reports John Schwartz for The New York Times.  “Consumers can save money and save emissions at the same time,” explains Prof. Jessika Trancik. 

The Washington Post

Brian Fung writes for The Washington Post that MIT spinoff nuTonomy has launched a self-driving car service in Singapore. Following nuTonomy’s pilot program in Singapore “the company may be able to quickly transfer what it learns to other places where it's currently conducting studies, such as London and Michigan,” suggests Fung. 

Financial Times

NuTonomy, an MIT spinoff, is testing a self-driving taxi service in Singapore, writes Jeevan Vasagar for the Financial Times. “The trial represents an extraordinary opportunity to collect feedback from riders in a real-world setting,” says MIT research scientist and NuTonomy co-founder Karl Iagnemma.

Fortune- CNN

David Morris writes for Fortune that researchers at the MIT spinoff SolidEnergy Systems are developing a longer-lasting lithium metal battery for smartphones and wearables. Morris writes that the battery has “about double the energy density of today’s standard lithium-ion battery.”

Fortune- CNN

Researchers from MIT and Ford are collaborating on a new project to measure pedestrian traffic and predict the need for on-demand shuttle services, reports Kirsten Korosec for Fortune.  The researchers hope to use the data they collect to predict demand for shuttles, and then "routing those vehicles to areas where they’re needed most at the corresponding times.”

The Guardian

Ian Sample of The Guardian writes that a new study co-authored by Prof. Iyad Rahwan highlights forthcoming issues for autonomous vehicles. “[D]riverless cars that occasionally sacrificed their drivers for the greater good were a fine idea, but only for other people,” says Sample.