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Astronomy and astrophysics

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New York Times

New York Times reporter Kenneth Chang writes about the discovery of seven Earth-sized exoplanets by a team of researchers, including MIT scientists. The discovery makes “the search for life in the galaxy imminent,” says Prof. Sara Seager. “We just have to wait and then make very careful observations and see what is in the atmospheres of the Trappist planets.”

Boston Globe

A study by Prof. Michael McDonald details how a black hole in the Phoenix cluster is producing star-making fuel, reports Andy Rosen for The Boston Globe. “It’s an extreme system that doesn’t seem to follow all the rules that we’ve found, so it gives us a clue to what the rules are,” McDonald explains. 

BBC News

Jonathan Amos reports for the BBC News that scientists around the world are close to obtaining the first image of a black hole. Data from multiple observatories will be compiled at MIT’s Haystack Observatory where “very smart imaging algorithms have had to be developed to make sense of the [Event Horizon Telescope]'s observations,” writes Amos.

The Washington Post

Washington Post reporter Sarah Kaplan writes that a new study by MIT postdoc Julien de Wit provides evidence of a star that pulses when in proximity to its orbiting planet. De Wit and his colleagues found that the “star's brightness oscillated according to the exact rhythm of its planet's orbit.”

United Press International (UPI)

MIT astronomers have discovered a star that pulsates in response to an exoplanet orbiting around it, reports Brooks Hays for UPI. The findings “contradict the wisdom of most stellar models, which suggest planets can't influence their host stars in such a manner,” Hays explains. 

Boston Globe

Postdoc Jennifer Burt speaks with Boston Globe reporter Andrew Grant about a new database of nearby stars that has been made publically available. “This could be a great way to get undergrad and high school students involved in science,” Burt explains. “We’re inspiring the next generation of scientists and that’s awesome.”

CBS News

MIT researchers have used starlight to test Einstein’s “spooky action” theory and have presented a strong demonstration of quantum entanglement, reports Calla Cofield for CBS News. Cofield explains that the researchers “measured about 100,000 pairs of entangled photons…and their results suggested that the particles were truly entangled.”

Scientific American

A study by MIT researchers provides evidence that gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn formed within the first 4 million years of the solar system’s development, reports Samantha Mathewson for Scientific American.  "We obtained an accurate and precise age for the lifetime of our solar system's ancient [solar] nebula and the magnetic field," explains Prof. Benjamin Weiss. 

The Atlantic

The Atlantic’s Natalie Wolchover writes that MIT physicists have presented a demonstration of quantum entanglement, addressing a loophole in quantum theory. Prof. Andrew Friedman says his team will continue testing the loophole, explaining, “either we close the loophole more…or we see something that could point toward new physics.”


Wired reporter Kathryn Nave speaks with research scientist Sheperd Doeleman about the Event Horizon Telescope project, which is aimed at imaging a black hole using telescopes stationed around the world. "We have good evidence there are black holes at the center of galaxies just from the orbits of stars around them, but we've never actually seen one," Doeleman explains. 


The writers and editors of Science named the successful detection of gravitational waves by researchers from MIT, Caltech and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration as their top breakthrough of 2016. Science reporter Adrian Cho writes that “physicists are eagerly anticipating what may come next, because gravitational waves promise an entirely new way to peer into the cosmos.”

Science News

In their round up of the top science stories of 2016, Science News highlighted several MIT research breakthroughs. The top story of the year was the successful detection of gravitational waves by researchers from MIT, Caltech and the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. Another highlight was the discovery by Prof. Susan Solomon that the hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica is shrinking. 

New York Times

In an in-depth piece for The New York Times Magazine, Chris Jones spotlights Prof. Sara Seager, exploring her quest for an Earthlike exoplanet. Jones writes there has been an explosion of knowledge about exoplanets in part because of “Seager’s pioneering theoretical work in using light to study the composition of alien atmospheres.”

Mercury News

Prof. Emeritus Rainer Weiss and the LIGO team were honored as recipients of the 2016 Breakthrough Prizes during a ceremony in California, reports Lisa Krieger for Mercury News. The LIGO team was honored for their “observation of gravitational waves, a discovery which opens new horizons in astronomy and physics.” 

The Atlantic

In a series of papers, the New Horizons team, which includes MIT researchers, reveals that there may be a slushy subsurface ocean on Pluto, reports Rebecca Boyle for The Atlantic. “The research suggests that many other distant worlds in the Kuiper Belt might also hold inner oceans of water, or other liquids,” Boyle explains.