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New York Times

Prof. Emeritus Rainer Weiss has been awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work successfully detecting gravitational waves, reports Dennis Overbye for The New York Times. Weiss explained that thanks to LIGO, which is helping usher in a new era of astronomy, “many of us really expect to learn about things we didn’t know about.”

Boston Globe

Scientists at the LIGO and Virgo observatories jointly detected the collision of two black holes, reports Alyssa Meyers for The Boston Globe. Meyers writes that Prof. Nergis Mavalvala explained that the detection was unique as it was recorded, “by a combination of US and European detectors for the first time… [and] because it gave scientists a clear look at the geometry of gravitational waves.”


Ethan Siegel writes for Forbes about the first successful joint detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO and Virgo observatories. “With three working detectors observing the Universe simultaneously, we can now pinpoint the locations of these sources as never before,” Siegel explains.

Los Angeles Times

Amina Khan of The Los Angeles Times examines the first joint detection of gravitational waves by the LIGO and Virgo detectors. Khan notes that the LIGO and Virgo systems are currently being updated to increase their sensitivity to a greater search volume. “There are eight times as many objects in that volume,” explains MIT’s David Shoemaker, LIGO’s spokesperson, increasing the chances of finding gravitational wave sources.

The Washington Post

The LIGO and Virgo observatories have made their first joint detection of gravitational waves, report Ben Guarino and Sarah Kaplan for The Washington Post. MIT’s David Shoemaker, spokesperson for LIGO, compared the three-detector network for identifying gravitational waves to a camera tripod that allows scientists to zoom in on the waves' source. 

New York Times

New York Times reporter Dennis Overbye writes that the LIGO and Virgo Scientific Collaborations have together detected gravitational waves from the collision of two black holes. Overbye explains that the new Virgo detector, “greatly increases the network’s ability to triangulate the sources of gravitational waves so that optical telescopes can search for any accompanying fireworks in the visible sky.”


A study co-authored by MIT researchers shows that the moon’s magnetic field could have lasted for as long as two billion years, according to Xinhua. “The researchers are planning to analyze more lunar rocks to determine when the dynamo died off completely.”

NBC News

MIT researchers have found that the moon’s magnetic field lasted at least 1 billion years longer than initially thought, reports Charles Q. Choi for NBC News. “Understanding more about the nature of the magnetic field of Earth's moon could shed light on the magnetic fields of distant moons and planets, which could influence their habitability."


By examining a lunar rock from the Apollo 15 mission, researchers from MIT and Rutgers University have found that the moon had a magnetic field for at least one billion years longer than initially thought, reports Nicola Davis for The Guardian. The researchers found that the, “lunar dynamo was still going until somewhere between one billion and 2.5bn years ago.”

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Martin Finucane writes that a new study co-authored by MIT researchers provides evidence that the moon’s magnetic field lasted 1 billion years longer than previously thought. “Researchers now believe the moon’s magnetic field existed for a total of at least 2 billion years,” Finucane explains. 

Los Angeles Times

LIGO’s third detection of black holes merging solidifies gravitational wave astronomy as an observational science, writes Amina Khan for The Los Angeles Times. Khan explains that scientists are, “moving LIGO’s work from the examination of singular curiosities to demographic studies of the sky’s invisible denizens." 

Popular Science

LIGO scientists have detected a third black hole merger, reports Sophie Bushwick for Popular Science. Bushwick explains that the finding shows that LIGO is, “coming into its own as a black hole telescope: The latest finding proves the existence of a new category of black hole and adds a puzzle piece to the question of how these systems form.”

Boston Globe

LIGO scientists have successfully detected two black holes merging for the third time, reports Eric Moskowitz for The Boston Globe. MIT’s David Shoemaker, LIGO’s spokesperson, explains that researchers can use the information gathered by LIGO to get a, “more complete picture of Einstein’s general relativity and the population of these purely relativistic objects we call black holes.”

New York Times

Writing for The New York Times, Dennis Overbye examines LIGO’s third successful detection of gravitational waves. “We are moving in a substantial way away from novelty towards where we can seriously say we are developing black-hole astronomy,” says David Shoemaker, director of the MIT LIGO Lab and spokesperson for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration. 

CBS News

CBS News reporter William Harwood writes that LIGO scientists have detected the merger of two black holes three billion light years away. David Shoemaker, director of the MIT LIGO Lab and the spokesperson for LIGO, explains that researchers detected, “the merging of black holes roughly 20 and 30 times the mass of our sun.”