How some beetles produce a scalding defensive spray
New analysis shows how bombardier beetles produce an explosive defensive chemical jet.
Temple Grandin to speak at MIT
Famed animal behavior expert and autism activist will give two public talks at the Media Lab.
A mollusk of a different stripe
Optical features embedded in marine shells may help develop responsive, transparent displays.
A health and fitness tracker for dogs
FitBark, founded by MIT Sloan alumnus Davide Rossi, will monitor your dog’s health and activity every day.
MIT historian's book honored
Harriet Ritvo’s "The Animal Estate" named to list of 100 most significant publications by Harvard University Press
Inspiration from a porcupine’s quills
Understanding the mechanisms behind quill penetration and extraction could help engineers design better medical devices.
From yeast, researchers learn how populations collapse
Findings could help fishery and wildlife managers monitor their stocks before disaster strikes.