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The Verge

With the MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing, MIT is looking to educate the next generation of people working in the field of AI and computer science, writes James Vincent for The Verge. Vincent explains that the college is also aimed at investigating the ethics involved with the fields of computing and AI, positioning “the college as an ethically minded enterprise.”


In an article for TechCrunch, Danny Crichton calls the new MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing a “doubling down on the future of computer science.” Crichton writes that “the objective of the new school will be to ensure that all MIT students become familiar with the field regardless of their chosen profession.”

Boston Globe

Boston Globe reporter Andy Rosen writes that MIT is establishing a college of computing as part of an effort to examine the impact computer science and AI is having on all disciplines. “We have to move much faster educating the next generation for the new economy,” explains President L. Rafael Reif. “The way to do that is to come up with integrated curriculum.”

Financial Times

Financial Times reporter Clive Cookson writes that MIT is establishing a college of computing to help students and researchers use computing and AI to advance their work. President L. Rafael Reif explains that the MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing “will constitute both a global centre for computing research and education, and an intellectual foundry for powerful new AI tools.”

New York Times

The New York Times writes about the new MIT Stephen A. Schwarzman College of Computing, calling MIT’s move “a particularly ambitious step.” President Reif says the College will “educate the bilinguals of the future,” people in fields like biology, chemistry, politics, history, and linguistics who are also skilled in the techniques of modern computing that can be applied to them.


Synaps Labs, an adtech startup co-founded by Sloan graduate student Alex Pustov, uses analytics to cater digital billboard advertising to specific individuals depending on the make and model of their vehicle. This technology could also potentially “fund traffic analytics, improve road safety, and allow cities to adopt advances in digital infrastructure faster,” writes Frederick Daso for Forbes.

The Boston Globe

The Sloan Sports Analytics Conference has expanded to show interest in virtual reality, machine learning, and artificial learning, reports Alex Speier of The Boston Globe. The work highlighted at the conference “is in some ways breathtaking, with sports understood in ways that seemed unimaginable at the start of the century,” writes Speier.


Prof. Alex Pentland speaks with Nikolai Kuznetsov of Forbes about Endor, the predictive analytics company he cofounded with Research Affiliate Yaniv Altshuler. “Endor aspires to give average investors and traders an easier time finding equal footing all while lending the investment industry more legitimacy,” said Pentland.


Patrick Rishe of Forbes writes about the 2017 MIT Sloan Sports Analytics Conference. Rishe notes that the conference’s “combination of knowledge, presentations, and networking opportunities is off-the-charts, and a must for programs who wish to be taken seriously in the Sports Business space.”

Financial Times

CSAIL researchers have found that ride-sharing taxis controlled by a citywide computer system could decrease the number of cars on the road in New York City, reports Clive Cookson for the Financial Times. The researchers found that “3,000 four-passenger cars could satisfy 98 per cent of the city’s demand.”

Radio Boston (WBUR)

Alumna Michelle Lee, director of the USPTO, speaks with Radio Boston’s Anthony Brooks during a trip to Boston to speak at MIT about patents and innovation. Lee noted her commitment to encouraging more females to pursue STEM fields because “you never know who’s going to start that next company that’s going to revolutionize the world.” 

The Wall Street Journal

In a piece for The Wall Street Journal about business schools starting business analytics programs, Lindsay Gellman highlights one of MIT’s new offerings. “Professors and administrators at its Sloan School of Management are developing a tentatively titled Masters in Analytics program to be offered jointly with the university’s Operations Research Center beginning in 2016,” Gellman writes. 

The Wall Street Journal

In this Wall Street Journal blog post written by Babson College Professor Thomas Davenport, the author reflects on the contributions made by MIT Professor Jack Rockhart to the information analytics field, in the wake of Rockhart’s passing last week.