New transistor’s superlative properties could have broad electronics applications
Ultrathin material whose properties “already meet or exceed industry standards” enables superfast switching, extreme durability.
Ultrathin material whose properties “already meet or exceed industry standards” enables superfast switching, extreme durability.
Flexible platform could produce enigmatic materials, lead to new studies of exotic phenomena.
Work could lead to heady applications in novel electronics and more.
A new low-temperature growth and fabrication technology allows the integration of 2D materials directly onto a silicon circuit, which could lead to denser and more powerful chips.
Work with skyrmions could have applications in future computers and more.
A quick electric pulse completely flips the material’s electronic properties, opening a route to ultrafast, brain-inspired, superconducting electronics.
Their technique could allow chip manufacturers to produce next-generation transistors based on materials other than silicon.
The MIT professor discussed a new nanoengineered platform to investigate strongly correlated and topological physics.
A new technique that accurately measures how atom-thin materials expand when heated could help engineers develop faster, more powerful electronic devices.
The findings could inform the design of practical superconducting devices.
Long predicted but never observed, this fluid-like electron behavior could be leveraged for low-power next-generation electronics.
The discovery could help researchers engineer exotic electrical states such as unconventional superconductivity.
Discovery shows for the first time that multiferroic properties can exist in a two-dimensional material; could lead to more efficient magnetic memory devices.
The new substance is the result of a feat thought to be impossible: polymerizing a material in two dimensions.
Using ultrathin materials to reduce the size of superconducting qubits may pave the way for personal-sized quantum devices.