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Time names Amy Smith among ‘world’s most influential people’

Founder of D-Lab cited among top 'thinkers'
Amy Smith, founder of MIT’s innovative D-Lab
Amy Smith, founder of MIT’s innovative D-Lab
Photo: Donna Coveney

Amy Smith ’84, SM ’95, ENG ’95, founder of MIT’s innovative D-Lab and a senior lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, has been named by Time magazine as one of the top 100 “World’s Most Influential People” for 2010.

Highlighted in the category of “Thinkers,” Smith helps communities throughout the world develop low-cost and sustainable technologies that can be produced locally, reduce work burdens and conserve the environment.

“Her machines are one of her gifts to the world; the students she trains will be an even more enduring one,” said Sandy Pentland, the Toshiba Professor of Media Arts and Sciences in the MIT Media Lab, in the Time article.

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