Rediscovering fundamental innovation
Eugene Fitzgerald explores the innovation dynamics that produce new technological and economic paradigms.
Eugene Fitzgerald explores the innovation dynamics that produce new technological and economic paradigms.
Farmers in Africa and other tropical areas in the Southern Hemisphere are stripping potassium from soils without replacing it.
The MIT High Performance Research Computing Facility powers MIT research behind the scenes.
Tiny sea creatures feature transparent optical systems as tough as their shells.
Doug Spreng ’65 believes nanotechnology could hold the biggest payoffs — for everyone.
2,600 recently rediscovered early modern letters to be analyzed in groundbreaking international digital humanities project.
Microfluidic experiments show feldspar releases potassium at a higher rate than expected, suggesting new possibilities for using ground rocks in agriculture.
International conference at MIT to focus on cooperative research efforts, alternatives to potassium salts for farming.
Jeffrey Grossman applies new materials research to making desalination cheaper and more efficient.
Materials Matter competition, inspired by MIT research, seeks innovations that could help transform the way we view, make, and use materials.
Finding shows small amounts of repeated stretching can eliminate crystal defects in nanoscale metal parts.
Researchers use engineered viruses to provide quantum-based enhancement of energy transport.
Materials Day, Oct. 14, presents insights into the next generation of extremely thin, tough quantum materials for sensing, energy. and computing devices.
Renewable grants awarded to PIs in materials science and engineering, chemical engineering, and biology.