Polina Anikeeva and Feng Zhang awarded 2018 Vilcek Prize
Prize recognizes contributions to biomedical research made by immigrant scientists.
Prize recognizes contributions to biomedical research made by immigrant scientists.
AIM Photonics Academy winter session draws over 60 participants from industry and academia.
Miniaturized system could be used to treat neurological disorders that affect specific brain regions.
Design is major stepping stone toward portable artificial-intelligence devices.
New metal-mesh membrane could solve longstanding problems and lead to inexpensive power storage.
Faculty members were recognized for excellence via a diverse array of honors, grants, and prizes over the last quarter.
For a campus that prizes creative risk-taking, Independent Activities Period is a cultural touchstone.
New model measures characteristics of carbon nanotube structures for energy storage and water desalination applications.
More than half of Roxbury, Bunker Hill, students with summer lab experience at MIT go on to earn a four-year degree.
Assistant professor is honored for her work on energy storage systems and safer, solid-state lithium electrolyte batteries.
Machine-learning system finds patterns in materials “recipes,” even when training data is lacking.
MIT researchers demonstrate a new electrochemical method to study thermodynamic processes in an ultra-high temperature molten oxide.
Sixteen new professors join seven of the school’s departments.
Scholars will engage in a year of postgraduate leadership studies at Beijing’s Tshingua University.
Recent Stonehill College meeting puts laser focus on plan to grow and enhance regional integrated photonics education and training.