Introducing the latest in textiles: Soft hardware
Researchers incorporate optoelectronic diodes into fibers and weave them into washable fabrics.
Researchers incorporate optoelectronic diodes into fibers and weave them into washable fabrics.
Advanced Functional Fabrics of America workshop challenges pioneering MIT and FIT students to conceive new ideas.
Faculty members recognized for excellence via a diverse array of honors, grants, and prizes over the last quarter.
Drugs carried in cellular “backpacks” help T cells to destroy tumors.
Lab assignments for MIT Materials Research Laboratory undergraduate researchers and teachers cut across disciplines.
MIT researchers develop new tools to enable targeted delivery of drugs to deep brain structures through implanted microprobes.
Students and staff combine workshopping and OpenCourseWare to demonstrate human-centered pedagogies in the context of modern topics and technologies.
Headed by Carl Thompson, the newly formed Materials Research Laboratory opens up opportunities for industrial partnerships.
From cobalt-free, high-entropy alloys to synthetic goose down, the Materials Project Laboratory offers students a chance to explore.
Awardees will use grants to advance research in areas including energy storage, renewables expansion modeling, and the chemistry of electrocatalysts.
Jaramillo lab launches a summer program to broaden the horizons of local students interested in materials science and engineering.
The School of Engineering gives its 2018 Infinite Mile Awards for exceptional service and support.
Eleven principal investigators from six MIT departments will receive grants totaling over $1.3 million, overhead free, for research on food and water challenges.
Education Innovation Grant program for pK-12 and higher education awards $400,000 to MIT faculty to support education innovation both at MIT and globally.
Fellowships last for up to three years, covering full tuition and mandatory fees.