Model beats Wall Street analysts in forecasting business financials
Using limited data, this automated system predicts a company’s quarterly sales.
Using limited data, this automated system predicts a company’s quarterly sales.
Objects are posed in varied positions and shot at odd angles to spur new AI techniques.
In 8.02 (Electricity and Magnetism), students explore the practical application of electromagnetic concepts.
A new computational imaging method could change how we view hidden information in scenes.
The Institute's largest academic department reorganizes with new leadership as part of the formation of the MIT Schwarzman College of Computing.
Cornell University professor and physicist uses nanoscale parts to create smart, active microbots.
Two alumni have also been selected; the scholars will study global affairs at Beijing’s Tsinghua University.
Model registers “surprise” when objects in a scene do something unexpected, which could be used to build smarter AI.
Circuit design offers a path to “spintronic” devices that use little electricity and generate practically no heat.
Faculty members recognized for excellence via a diverse array of honors, grants, and prizes over the last quarter.
The inaugural dean shares an update on the process of building a college.
Model quickly generates brain scan templates that represent a given patient population.
Lam Research Tech Symposium, co-hosted by MIT.nano and Microsystems Technology Lab, explores challenges, opportunities for the future of the industry.
With “In Event of Moon Disaster,” the MIT Center for Advanced Virtuality aims to educate the public on deepfakes with an alternative history of the moon landing.
Ali Daher, Claire Halloran, Francisca Vasconcelos, Billy Andersen Woltz, and Megan Yamoah will begin postgraduate studies at Oxford University next fall.