President Guðni Thorlacius Jóhannesson of Iceland visits MIT
Delegation meets campus leaders, with an eye toward AI applications and the Icelandic language.
Delegation meets campus leaders, with an eye toward AI applications and the Icelandic language.
Twenty winning projects will link industry member priorities with research groups across campus to develop scalable climate solutions.
IDEAS awards more than $50,000 in grants across six student-led teams to develop projects addressing social and environmental challenges.
The TESSERAE project, a design for self-assembling space structures and habitats, has sent prototypes to the International Space Station.
The programs are designed to foster an understanding of how artificial intelligence technologies work, including their social implications.
Faculty leaders highlight innovations that can close longstanding knowledge gaps and reimagine how the world responds to the climate crisis.
MIT scientists hope to deploy a fleet of drones to get a better sense of how much carbon the ocean is absorbing, and how much more it can take.
Inspired by the human ear, a new acoustic fabric converts audible sounds into electrical signals.
Faculty leaders discuss the opportunities and obstacles in developing, scaling, and implementing their work rapidly.
The honorees include four MIT graduate students in electrical engineering and computer science, economics, and media arts and sciences.
Akasha Imaging, an MIT Media Lab spinout, provides efficient and cost-effective imaging with higher-resolution feature detection, tracking, and pose orientation.
Senior Sihao Huang uses his background in physics and complex systems to inform his interdisciplinary approach to political science.
Collaboration with Federal Reserve Bank of Boston yields progress in understanding how a digital currency might be developed in the future.
Fellowship honors ACM members whose accomplishments drive innovation and make broader advances possible.
MIT scientist Rosalind Picard collaborates with clinicians to develop tools for mental health care delivery.