Diving into nuclear submarines
MIT Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering creates a course for the Australian Submarine Agency.
MIT Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering creates a course for the Australian Submarine Agency.
Student researchers lend voices, ideas for exploring nuclear energy’s potential to address climate change, and describe insights gained from the experience.
Fine-tuning thermal hydraulics in reactors, doctoral student Guanyu Su hopes to advance more powerful nuclear energy technology.
Assistant professor of nuclear science and engineering leads projects for developing accident-tolerant fuel and optimizing nuclear energy technology.
Lauded director of the MIT Thermal Hydraulics and Materials in Extreme Environments Laboratory was a consummate experimentalist and passionate teacher.
Exelon Generation funding for the MIT Center for Advanced Nuclear Energy Systems could transform the performance of the fuel cladding in light water reactors.
Thomas McKrell designs, builds, and supervises nuclear science and engineering laboratory projects, and readies students for careers in research.