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Featured video: Getting into MIT

Alumni look back on their experiences applying to, waiting to hear from, and getting accepted into MIT.
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Not even Drew Houston '05, founder of Dropbox, was sure he’d get in to MIT. But that didn’t stop him, or thousands of other students and alumni, from applying. The gamble paid off: Houston got to tear up all his other college applications because he was accepted into his dream school.

In this video, alumni recount the process of getting into MIT: their applications, their worries and fears during the waiting period, and finally, those five magic words: “You’ve been accepted to MIT.” No matter how long the odds, the decision to take that chance changed their lives.

The MIT freshman application for the prospective Class of 2022 is now available via MIT Admissions. Take a chance to be a part of an innovative community helping to solve the world’s greatest challenges.

Submitted by: Katherine Igoe/MIT Alumni Association | Video by: Brielle Domings/MIT Alumni Association | 2 min, 58 sec

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