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Ship in a bottle

MIT.nano is one of the most ambitious — and challenging — construction projects in Institute history. Why did we make it so hard for ourselves?
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MIT.nano site, as seen from Building 16
MIT.nano site, as seen from Building 16
Photo: Lillie Paquette/School of Engineering

MIT.nano will be a 200,000-square-foot building that houses state-of-the-art cleanroom, imaging, and prototyping facilities that can support fabrication and characterization processes on the nanoscale. It will also be located in the heart of the MIT campus, surrounded on all four sides by existing buildings. 

The project's leadership, planners, project managers, and contractors recently reached the "one-third" mark on a construction project that is sometimes referred to as building a ship in a bottle. Here is what they have to say about why MIT decided to put the facility in the center of campus, the challenges of working there, and what the Institute hopes to accomplish by making this investment in its future.

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