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Seeking community input on the future of IT@MIT

A 2020 vision for IT@MIT, along with goals and guiding principles, is ready to be shared with the MIT community.
Press Inquiries

Press Contact:

Robyn Fizz
Phone: 617-253-0540
Information Systems and Technology

Since the beginning of January, John Charles, MIT’s newly appointed vice president for Information Systems and Technology (IS&T), has been assessing the state of IT@MIT and conducting an extensive listening tour — gathering input from faculty, staff, and students representing research computing, student systems, digital learning, libraries, and administrative systems.

Charles has also been working closely with members of the Information Technology Governance Committee, and with each of the established IT advisory committees, to craft a 2020 vision for IT@MIT, along with a set of goals and priorities and guiding principles.

"It is an exciting time for IT@MIT,” Charles says. “We are at an inflection point in the delivery of IT services — where our focus is shifting to ‘platform-based’ models that are designed to better meet the needs of MIT's complex ecosystem of IT service providers and consumers."

Community engagement

The latest versions of the vision, goals, and guiding principles are now ready to be shared with the broader MIT community. To help facilitate this next step, IS&T has launched the Future of IT@MIT website — which includes an overview of the 2020 vision with links to background information and documents, as well as a short survey focused on:

  • Validating the goals and priorities;
  • Identifying areas where there might be additional gaps; and
  • Expanding the information set about the ways IT enables the education, research, and administrative functions of MIT.

Community members are encouraged to visit the website, offer feedback and ideas through the survey, and see what others in the community are saying about the future of IT@MIT.

Send questions or comments about the website or the 2020 vision for IT@MIT to:

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