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Fusion Power Associates honors Plasma Science and Fusion Center researchers

Professor Anne White and Associate Director Martin Greenwald to receive awards.
PSFC Associate Director Martin Greenwald and Professor Anne White
PSFC Associate Director Martin Greenwald and Professor Anne White
Photo: Paul Rivenberg

The Fusion Power Associates (FPA) Board of Directors has recognized two members of the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center (PSFC) for their contributions to the fusion research community. PSFC Associate Director Martin Greenwald will receive the FPA Leadership Award, and NSE professor Anne White will receive the Excellence in Fusion Engineering Award, at the FPA 35th Annual Meeting and Symposium, to be held in December, 2014.

Greenwald, a recent Chair of the Federal Advisory Committee for Fusion Energy Sciences (FESAC), is cited for "many scientific contributions and the managerial leadership [he is] providing to national and international research efforts on plasma and fusion science." Also noted is Greenwald’s role in achieving the Lawson n-tau in the PSFC’s Alcator-C tokamak, as well as his contributions to understanding turbulent transport and its role in determining tokamak density limits. FPA Leadership Awards have been given annually since 1980 to recognize those who have shown outstanding leadership qualities in accelerating the development of fusion as a commercial power source.

White is cited for leadership in "the world effort to understand turbulent transport in tokamaks, a critical feasibility requirement for tokamak-based fusion power plants, ... many other scientific contributions to the field of fusion research, and [her] devotion to training the next generation of fusion scientists and engineers." FPA Excellence in Fusion Engineering Awards have been given annually since 1987, in memory of MIT Professor David J. Rose, to recognize persons in the relatively early part of their careers who have shown both technical accomplishment and potential to become influential in the fusion field. White’s early success has also been recognized with the American Physical Society’s Katherine E. Weimer Award.

A list of previous recipients is posted on the Fusion Power Associates website.

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