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Hermano Igo Krebs elected to Fellowship in IEEE

Hermano Igo Krebs
Hermano Igo Krebs
Courtesy of Hermano Igo Krebs

We are pleased to announce that Principal Research Scientist and Lecturer Hermano Igo Krebs, whose research focuses on robotics, neuro-rehabilitation, and human-machine interactions, recently became a Fellow of IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). The IEEE cited Krebs’ “contributions to rehabilitation robotics and the understanding of neuro-rehabilitation” in awarding him the Fellowship.

Having received his PhD in ocean engineering from MIT, Krebs pioneered the robotics rehab field at the Newman Laboratory for Biomechanics and Human Rehabilitation at MIT in collaboration with Professor Neville Hogan. He has developed, deployed, and clinically tested several robotic tools — including a wrist module, an anti-gravity module, a hand module, the MIT-Manus, the MIT Anklebot, and the Skywalker. These robotic developments promote neuro-recovery in the upper and lower extremities of people with various neurological pathologies, such as stroke.

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