The halls of MIT were enriched this past fall with the presence of several internationally acclaimed artists brought to campus for residencies by the MIT Visiting Artists Program and the Center for Art, Science & Technology (CAST). Of particular interest to the School of Architecture + Planning were an Argentinian architect-cum-artist famed for his speculations on alternative ways of living; a pair of artist/activists who use public art to help build healthy communities; a Brazilian photographer exploring the nature of visual cognition; and two British filmmakers whose work has transformed the craft.
Take a brief look at the visitors and their activities at MIT.
Visiting artists share their work in architecture, planning, visual literacy and filmmaking.
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Commissioned by The Arts Catalyst, Tomas Saraceno's "Poetic Cosmos of the Breath" was launched at dawn on Sept. 22, 2007, at Gunpowder Park, Essex, United Kingdom.
Photo: David Cottridge