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Feng Zhang shares Vallee Foundation Young Investigator Award

Feng Zhang has been named a recipient of the Vallee Foundation Young Investigator Award.
Feng Zhang has been named a recipient of the Vallee Foundation Young Investigator Award.
Photo: Justin Knight

Feng Zhang, an investigator at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT, is one of three recipients of the inaugural Vallee Foundation Young Investigator Award. Zhang, who is designing new molecular tools for manipulating the living brain, is also a core member of the Broad Institute, the W. M. Keck Career Development Professor in Biomedical Engineering, and assistant professor in the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences.

The Vallee Foundation award recognizes “outstanding young scientists at a critical juncture in their careers” and provides discretionary funds for biomedical research. Zhang will share the $750,000 prize with Kirsty Spalding of the Karolinska Institute and David Tobin at Duke University.

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