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Dresselhaus, Graybiel, Luu receive 2012 Kavli Prizes

Biennial prizes in astrophysics, nanoscience and neuroscience include a $1 million cash award in each field.
On Sept. 4, King Harald of Norway presented awards to the winners of the Kavli Prize in astrophysics, from left, David Jewitt, MIT Lincoln Laboratory's Jane Luu and Michael Edwards Brown.
On Sept. 4, King Harald of Norway presented awards to the winners of the Kavli Prize in astrophysics, from left, David Jewitt, MIT Lincoln Laboratory's Jane Luu and Michael Edwards Brown.
Photo: Erlend Aas
Institute Professor Mildred Dresselhaus received the Kavli Prize in nanoscience.
Institute Professor Mildred Dresselhaus received the Kavli Prize in nanoscience.
Photo: Erlend Aas
The Kavli Prize in neuroscience winners, from left, Cornelia Isabella Bargmann, Winfried Denk and Institute Professor Ann Graybiel.
The Kavli Prize in neuroscience winners, from left, Cornelia Isabella Bargmann, Winfried Denk and Institute Professor Ann Graybiel.
Photo: Erlend Aas

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