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Legatum Fellowship: develop the skills for the developing world

Legatum Fellows with Will Guyster and Iqbal Quadir
Legatum Fellows with Will Guyster and Iqbal Quadir

The Legatum Center at MIT is pleased to announce the expansion of the Legatum Fellowship program. The education of the fellows now begins with a summer curriculum designed to prepare the students for the rigorous year ahead, and an individualized assessment of their needs. By employing this assessment and participating in one-on-one coaching, each new fellow will come to understand the strengths of their business concepts and the areas where improvements are needed. Guidance offered through the fellowship program will be tailored to each student with the goal of refining their business plans and preparing them to launch a business in a low-income country.

In addition, Fellows will benefit from access to Legatum Mentors with established expertise working in low-income countries. Working with these advisors, students will establish their short and medium-term goals and learn about the vast resources available to aspiring entrepreneurs. Fellows will have assistance with key strategic decisions, preparations for approaching investors, streamlining a "pitch" and most importantly, understanding how to develop a business concept that can be translated into a viable and scalable enterprise in an emerging market.

Legatum Scholars are also available to work with Legatum Fellows in an advisory capacity. The Scholars offer a deep understanding of innovation entrepreneurship, sustainable business models tailored to developing countries and the challenges entrepreneurs must navigate to achieve success. Fellows will also participate in a series of workshops and seminars that provide practical and technical lessons. During the spring semester, students will take "Entrepreneurship and Prosperity in Low-Income Countries," a Sloan course taught by Professor of the Practice Iqbal Quadir that provides intellectual and practical context for the success of entrepreneurship in creating prosperity in developing economies.

To learn more about the Legatum Fellowship at MIT, visit

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