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Gulati hopes to power up nuclear energy for the U.S. and developing nations

Introducing Saaransh Gulati, EDF-MIT Energy Fellow
Saaransh Gulati, EDF-MIT Energy Fellow, is working on a computational fluid dynamics model to predict and improve conditions within light water reactors. The objective is to increase the safety and efficiency of light water reactors to produce more energy at lower cost.
Saaransh Gulati, EDF-MIT Energy Fellow, is working on a computational fluid dynamics model to predict and improve conditions within light water reactors. The objective is to increase the safety and efficiency of light water reactors to produce more energy at lower cost.
Photo: Justin Knight

Saaransh Gulati is one of 47 MIT Energy Fellows supported by MITEI’s member companies in 2009-2010. Sponsored by MITEI associate member the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF), Gulati is working on a computational fluid dynamics model to predict and improve conditions within nuclear reactors.

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