MIT will host a public meeting of the Deemed Export Advisory Committee on Tuesday, June 19, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 10-250.
The Deemed Export Advisory Committee (DEAC) is addressing the complex issues surrounding sensitive technology transfers, which involve the release of closely monitored dual-use technology to foreign nationals in the United States, known as "deemed exports."
"The committee will address evolving export policies to strike a balance between protecting national security and ensuring that the United States continues to build upon its position as a leading innovator of technology," said U.S. Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez.
This is one of four regional meetings the DEAC is holding to accept public comments as it develops recommendations for modifying federal deemed export control regulations.
Tuesday's session will focus on current deemed export control policy issues, openness vs. security and industrial competitiveness.
The meeting will include remarks from Norman Augustine, retired chair and CEO of Lockheed Martin; Claude Canizares, MIT's vice president for research and associate provost; Sheila Widnall, Institute Professor and former Air Force Secretary; and many other speakers from academia, government and industry.