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MIT community invited to 'Not About Iraq' master dance class Oct. 19

UCLA student Taisha Paggett, front, and choreographer Victoria Marks, rear, will offer a master dance class at MIT on Oct. 19.
UCLA student Taisha Paggett, front, and choreographer Victoria Marks, rear, will offer a master dance class at MIT on Oct. 19.
Photo / Steve Gunther

Choreographer and filmmaker Victoria Marks creates works for stage, film, community settings and professional dancers with the overarching artistic and personal goals of "redressing stereotypes like physical ability, body shape and age," and of communicating the meaning of ordinary gestures. Winner of a Fulbright fellowship in choreography and numerous other awards, she will present her 2005 piece, "Not About Iraq" in Boston on Friday and Saturday, Oct. 20 and 21, at Boston University's Dance Theater.

Marks, a professor of choreography at UCLA, will perform "Iraq" with UCLA graduate student Taisha Paggett.

The MIT community is invited to a master class about this piece on Thursday, Oct. 19, from 1 to 3 p.m. in Room 50-201.

According to Marks, "Not About Iraq" questions the relationship between words and experience, government rhetoric and reality. "Victoria Marks is a spoiler, a troublemaker, a true subversive," wrote Lewis Siegel for the Los Angeles Times on Aug. 6, 2005.

A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on October 18, 2006 (download PDF).

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