Betsy Connors, photographer, video artist and holographer, taught a mini-course in holography at the MIT Museum and the Media Lab. The media for these works is always light and imagination. This IAP course included white light transmissions, laser transmissions and holographic shadowgrams. Connors, who has taught numerous IAP courses, is a former fellow at the Center for Advanced Visual Studies and a lecturer in holography in the Media Lab's Spatial Imaging group. She was the co-curator of the holography exhibit at the MIT Museum and operates the only private holography lab in Boston. Connors' 17-by-10-feet holographic landscape, "Future Gardens," is on exhibit at Boston University's Photographic Resource Center. Photos / Donna Coveney
The Certificate in Aerospace Innovation gives students the tools and confidence to be aerospace entrepreneurs during an inflection point in the industry.
Collaborating with a local climate technology company, MIT’s Self-Assembly Lab is pursuing scalable erosion solutions that mimic nature, harnessing ocean currents to expand islands and rebuild coastlines.