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Key to abbreviations

The names of some academic departments and programs have been shortened to save space in awards listings. A key to abbreviations:

Aero/astro: Aeronautics and astronautics

BCS: Brain and cognitive sciences

CEE: Civil and environmental engineering

CIS: Center for International Studies

CSAIL: Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory

DUSP: Department of Urban Studies and Planning

EAPS: Earth, atmospheric and planetary sciences

EECS: Electrical engineering and computer science

ESD: Engineering Systems Division

HST: Harvard/MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology

LIDS: Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems

NSE: Nuclear science and engineering

STS: Program in Science, Technology and Society

UROP: Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program

A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on June 1, 2005 (download PDF).

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