A new reengineering team has been named to develop a redesign for the delivery of repair and maintenance services for the on-campus residence halls and apartments. The team is charged with developing a redesign that provides excellent customer service, cost efficency and the delivery of a high level of maintenance.
The team is sponsored by Senior Vice President William R. Dickson. Team members have been drawn from the Office of the Dean of Students and Undergraduate Education and from Physical Plant.
Team members are: Christopher Nolan, manager of renovations and construction (team captain); Joseph Clark, Repair and Maintenance (R&M) maintenance mechanic; Kevin Connolly, R&M HVAC mechanic; Kenneth Donaghey, house manager, Burton-Connor; Ellen Essigmann, housemaster, New House; Nelson Goncalves, MacGregor House maintenance mechanic; Paul Motroni, R&M coach; James Wallace, assistant to the director of Physical Plant; and a residential student (to be appointed).
A version of this article appeared in MIT Tech Talk on September 24, 1997.