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Retirement dinner honors 155 community members

President Charles M. Vest drew parallels between MIT's recent graduation exercises and the closing of working life when he spoke at the annual retirement dinner at the end of May.

"Commencement, as we know, signifies not so much an end to carefree youth as a new beginning. And retirement, too, while putting one phase of our lives behind us, opens up a new road for a new journey," Dr. Vest said.

He noted that the 155 members of this year's retiring class have selected a rich variety of new directions for themselves including, teaching overseas, designing sundials, skippering yachts, playing chamber music and restoring antiques in addition to beloved standard avocations like travel, fishing, golf and gardening.

President Vest thanked the group for more than 4,200 years of collective service carrying out "the myriad tasks that must be performed to make this a supportive environment for our students and to enable MIT to be the best it can be. Our quality and stature, our teaching and research programs, our sense of community and service-these are your doing."

Those retiring this year are:

Mario (Mike) Aloisi, Laboratory for Nuclear Science, 32 years

Roderick R. Arthur, Athletics Department, 30 years

Rita Baglio, Housing, 26 years

Edward J. Balletto, Graphic Arts, 20 years

Joseph L. Barnes, Physical Plant, 13 years

Alfred E. Benoit, Lincoln Laboratory Group 71, 31 years

Professor Glenn A. Berchtold, Chemistry, 35 years

Muriel J. Bernier, Ocean Engineering, 25 years

Sheldon C. Binder, Medical Department, 14 years

Walter W. Bishop III, Division of Toxicology, 29 years

Professor Donald L. M. Blackmer, Political Science, 38 years

Andrew J. Bowen, Lincoln Laboratory Group 28, 39 years

Robert W. Calileo, Laboratory for Nuclear Science, 42 years

Professor Richard L. Cartwright, Linguistics and Philosophy, 27 years

Robert A. Cassidy, Physical Plant, 21 years

Jane Frances Clark, Lincoln Laboratory Group 86, 12 years

Russell E. Clark, Jr., Graphic Arts, 31 years

Brian J. Clifton, Lincoln Laboratory Group 87, 29 years

John L. Cochrane, Office of the Senior Vice President, 27 years

Michael F. Collins, Physical Plant, 32 years

Elaine J. Cook, Physics, 37 years

Manuel Cordeiro, Physical Plant, 22 years

Daniel R. Corsetti, Sr., Physical Plant, seven years

John V. Cremin, Chemical Engineering, 28 years

Joseph R. Cullinan, Credit Union, 37 years

Maria DeMarco, Mechanical Engineering, 18 years

Josephine M. DiCicco, Sloan School of Management, 31 years

Dominic DiMartino, Environmental Medical Service, 35 years

Cosmo DiRusso, Physical Plant, 15 years

Professor Eric Dluhosch, Architecture, 18 years

Arthur F. Dockrey, Lincoln Laboratory Group 43, 35 years

Kenneth V. Donaghey, Physical Plant, 32 years

Leo A. Dube, Lincoln Laboratory Group 72, 21 years

Louise Dunlap, Urban Studies and Planning, 14 years

Seymour Edelberg, Lincoln Laboratory Division III, 39 years

Eleanor V. Egan, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 24 years

Daniel J. Enxing, Lincoln Laboratory Group 94, 16 years

Stanley H. Evans, Lincoln Laboratory Group 12, 27 years

Robert E. Fahey, Lincoln Laboratory Group 83, 34 years

Howard D. Faulkner, Lincoln Laboratory Group 72, 42 years

Karen Ferreira, Clinical Research Center, 13 years

Pasquale F. Ferro, Lincoln Laboratory Group 4FF, 15 years

Gerard Flynn, Lincoln Laboratory Group 44, 27 years

Frank A. Folino, Lincoln Laboratory Group 71, 38 years

Charles Freed, Lincoln Laboratory Group 52, 32 years

Joseph (Vic) Gagnon, Lincoln Laboratory Group 42, 39 years

Carlos D. Galicia, Operations and Systems, 28 years

Frances G. Gallant, Office of the Chairman of the Corporation, five years

Jack Glenn, Lincoln Laboratory Group 12, 10 years

Barbara K. Glockling, Lincoln Laboratory Group 38, 18 years

George Goldman, Medical Department, 30 years

Philip Goodie, Lincoln Laboratory Group 91, 35 years

Humphrey Grady, Physical Plant, 27 years

Dominic W. Grasso, Physical Plant, 32 years

William R. Green, Lincoln Laboratory Group 53, 41 years

Irving Greenberg, Physical Plant, 20 years

Remo Guastucci, Lab for Nuclear Science, 15 years

Gordon L. Guernsey, Lincoln Laboratory Group 91, 42 years

Robert Hall, Physical Plant, 29 years

William M. Hall, Jr., Lincoln Laboratory Group 12, 43 years

Jeremiah Hanafin, Physical Plant, 14 years

Sally Howes Hansen, Personnel, 32 years

Earl D. Haywood, Laboratory for Nuclear Science, five years

Philip B. Herr, Urban Studies and Planning, 31 years

Joseph A. Hevey, Operations and Systems, 25 years

Ann M. Hicks, Center for Cancer Research, 38 years

Bo Higgins, Physical Plant, 21 years

Jean H. Hill, Lincoln Laboratory Group 71, 15 years

George E. Hosker, Housing, 23 years

Professor Sandra C. Howell, Architecture, 21 years

Edith M. Hunt, Housing, 21 years

Daniel P. Hynek, Lincoln Laboratory Group 43, 36 years

Martin J. Janiak, Lincoln Laboratory Group 76, 42 years

Timothy E. Johnson, Architecture, 31 years

David W. Kelley, Laboratory for Nuclear Science, 22 years

Professor Robert S. Kennedy, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 34 years

Professor Vera Kistiakowsky, Physics, 31 years

Professor Bertram Kostant, Mathematics, 32 years

Robert Kramer, Lincoln Laboratory Group 54, 41 years

Professor David D. Lanning, Nuclear Engineering, 33 years

Joseph LaSorsa, Haystack, 15 years

Francis G. Leary, Campus Police, 15 years

Professor Tunney F. Lee, Urban Studies and Planning, 24 years

Anne M. Lees, Laboratory for Nuclear Science, 37 years

Professor Padmakar P. Lele, Mechanical Engineering, 26 years

Robert T. Letizi, Haystack, 31 years

Chanel Levasseur, Physical Plant, 20 years

Albert J. Libertini, Laboratory for Nuclear Science, 41 years

Evelyn Luongo, Economics, nine years

James J. Maloney, Physical Plant, 33 years

Marilyn L. Malpass, Lincoln Laboratory Group 24, 33 years

Alice Markunas, Media Laboratory, 15 years

Alden P. Marshall, Lincoln Laboratory Group 54, 32 years

Professor Gary T. Marx, Urban Studies and Planning, 21 years

Leonard McDonald, Physical Plant, 33 years

Winifred McDonough, Treasurer's Office, 44 years

Charles D. McGinley Sr., Lincoln Laboratory Group 15, 32 years

Miriam M. McGinley, Lincoln Laboratory Group 15, 12 years

William Mele, Physical Plant, 13 years

Wilfred J. Meuse, Lincoln Laboratory Group 12, 8 years

Stanley Miller, Comptroller's Accounting Office, 43 years

Victor Miselis, Lincoln Laboratory Group 73, 13 years

Clarence J. Mosey, Lincoln Laboratory Group 12, 31 years

Joyce Mulhern, Lincoln Laboratory Group 35, six years

Emerson Munroe, Laboratory for Nuclear Science, 12 years

Katherine M. Murphy, Lincoln Laboratory Group 28, 17 years

John Musto, Physical Plant, nine years

Elizabeth C. Nelligan, Lincoln Fiscal Office, 39 years

Mary A. Normile, Admissions, 14 years

Richard J. Noyes, Center for Advanced Engineering Study, 16 years

Kevin J. O'Toole, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 20 years

Robert E. Pacheco, Graphic Arts, 39 years

Helen Panis, Lincoln Laboratory Group 13, 41 years

Albert K. Paone, Graphic Arts, 39 years

Francis R. Parady Jr., Lincoln Laboratory Group 18, 29 years

Christopher D. Parker, Lincoln Laboratory Group 87, 32 years

Calvin C. Patten, Lincoln Laboratory Group 18, 27 years

Robert Earl Payson, Operations and Systems, 30 years

John J. Pellegrino, Jr. , Physical Plant, 25 years

Lee Pettingill, Lincoln Laboratory Group 51, 22 years

Anne Prialaga, Registrar's Office, 16 years

John Prialaga, Housing, 20 years

Joseph Privitero, Physical Plant, 24 years

Anthony L. Puleo, Physical Plant, 14 years

David Reiner, Lincoln Laboratory Group 42, 35 years

John Ribeiro, Graphic Arts, 37 years

Jeanne Richard, Office of the Dean of the Graduate School, 46 years

Professor Jerome Rothenberg, Economics, 28 years

Professor Jack Ruina, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 31 years

Joseph M. Salvatore, Physical Plant, 43 years

William F. Saunders, Lincoln Laboratory Group 16, 42 years

Eleanor Ann Schools, Graphic Arts, 26 years

Janusz Sciegienny, Lincoln Laboratory Group 91, 40 years

Anthony J. Scoppettuolo, Lincoln Laboratory Group 72, 42 years

Anne Shepley, Architecture, 31 years

Madge Slavin, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, 26 years

Clare F. Smith, Research Laboratory of Electronics, 44 years

Eric Sollee, Athletics Department, 23 years

Joseph W. Souza, Lincoln Laboratory Group 15, 44 years

Estelle F. Spinos, Graphic Arts, 21 years

Leo J. Sullivan, Lincoln Laboratory Group 52, 43 years

Albert L. Taylor, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, 41 years

J. Derek Teare, Energy Laboratory, 17 years

Professor Leon Trilling, Aeronautics and Astronautics, 43 years

Professor Wallace E. Vander Velde, Aeronautics and Astronautics, 39 years

Frank M. Vecchia, Lincoln Laboratory Division II, 41 years

Walter R. Vecchia, Lincoln Laboratory Division III, 41 years

Elena Marie Victoria, Endicott House, four years

William W. Ward, Lincoln Laboratory Group 68, 42 years

Malcolm F. Wetherbee, Lincoln Laboratory Group 16, 23 years

Barbara L. White, Lincoln Laboratory Group 68, 18 years

Werner S. Willmann, Lincoln Laboratory Group 28, 10 years

Professor David Gordon Wilson, Mechanical Engineering, 28 years

Professor David Wormley, Mechanical Engineering, 31 years

Clara O. Worrell, Physical Plant, 13 years

A version of this article appeared in the July 20, 1994 issue of MIT Tech Talk (Volume 39, Number 1).

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