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Researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) have developed an all-in-one 3D printing approach called “Xstrings.” Part design tool, part fabrication method, Xstrings can embed all the pieces together and produce a cable-driven device, saving time when assembling bionic robots, creating art installations, or working on dynamic fashion designs.
The SeaPerch underwater robot, a “do-it-yourself” maker project, is a popular educational tool for middle and high school students. Developed by MIT Sea Grant, the remotely operated vehicle (ROV) teaches hand fabrication processes, electronics techniques, and STEM concepts, while encouraging exploration of structures, electronics, and underwater dynamics. SeaPerch II builds on the original program, adding robotics and elements of marine and climate science.
Liam Hines is excited about the practical and societal benefits of his work, about pinpointing the challenges posed by existing technologies and finding tangible solutions toward energy sustainability. Liam is a PhD student in the Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering at MIT. He works on advanced fission systems and waste management with Professors Koroush Shirvan and Haruko Wainwright.
Neuroscientist Sidney Diamond is a researcher in Pawan Sinha’s Lab in MIT’s Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, where, at 99 years old, he studies the science of visual learning and helps to decode the mysteries of brain development. In addition to the invaluable decades of experience Sid brings to his work, he serves as a mentor and inspiration to his colleagues.
MIT researchers built a new drone system that can accurately track its location indoors, including in the dark and low-visibility settings. The invention, dubbed MiFly, uses cross-polarized radars and wireless tags to enable the drone to track its location in six degrees of freedom. This new technology has many applications in warehousing, automation, delivery, and more.